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Claire's story

Claire gains confidence, skills and new friends at Burwell Print

What do you enjoy most at Burwell Print Centre?
I enjoy the community at Burwell Print and my friends, and making new friends and, of course, the work and jobs.

How is the print centre helping you?
The print centre is helping me with office management and money skills.

What changes, if any, have you seen in yourself as a result of being at Burwell Print?
I feel I am more confident and independent since working at Burwell Print.

If the print centre didn't exist, how would this impact you and your family?
I would be disappointed if Burwell Print did not exist, and I would have to find another job.

How did you find out about the print centre?
My parents found out about Burwell Print when I moved into the house I share with my friends in Sawston.

What other ways has the print centre supported you or your family?
Burwell Print has helped my family get involved in the community.

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Burwell Community Print Centre Ltd.

The Causeway, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0DU

Charity No.1053026 | Company No. 3156756

VAT Reg No. 720 2823 70

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