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Our design team will personally check your submitted files before sending them to print and get in touch if there are any issues with your artwork. For a small set-up charge, we can also prepare your artwork into a print ready format. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any queries.


Always add a bleed of 3 mm and cropmarks around any artwork that extends to the edge of the paper. To create a bleed, extend the artwork 3mm over the edge of the paper size ensuring your PDF page size is large enough to accommodate this. The 3mm bleed area will be cut off when your artwork is cut to size, adding bleed ensures that there isn’t a white edge of unprinted paper around your finished product.

Please include crop marks to show where your artwork needs cutting within your file. Crop marks can be added by ticking the “crop marks” option when you export the artwork from your software. All software does this differently, but you should be able to search for a tutorial online for whichever software you choose to use.











Please keep all important text and images at least 4 mm away from the edge of the paper, this ensures the best printed outcome.

Export your files using CMYK as the colour mode, not RGB. Screen colours, based on the RGB light spectrum will often appear differently to 4 colour CMYK digital printing. Please ask for a colour proof if you would like to clarify how colours will appear once printed.

Make sure the resolution of the images and graphics in your artwork are at least 300 dpi. Graphics with a lower resolution may appear blurry when printed.

Please provide PDF files for printing. If you are working in the Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Word or Publisher it is possible to save out in this format. Sending us print ready .pdf files ensures that fonts and margins do not alter when the file is opened on a different computer. If you are unable to provide print ready files we can work with you to convert your design for a small set up fee. (If the file needs more input we would discuss this with you and charge our hourly design rate.)

Files for printing can be sent by email, brought in person via USB stick or sent using our large file size transfer link here.
Please do not send us artwork pasted into the body copy of an email or within a Word document as this compresses the graphic and causes a loss of quality, if sending by email please add as an attachment instead.

Please make sure to embed or convert fonts to outlines when saving your artwork to PDF.

Please ensure you have the relevant permissions when using copyrighted materials in your design, for example; cartoon characters, photographs, bank notes and company logos or other images that you found online.

Before submitting your files, always double check the spelling and formatting. Check if details such as addresses and phone numbers are correct. After a file is approved for printing, we do not take any responsibility for spelling, punctuation or mistakes in contents.


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Burwell Community Print Centre Ltd.

The Causeway, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0DU

Charity No.1053026 | Company No. 3156756

VAT Reg No. 720 2823 70

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